Corporate changes

compliance deadlines in Vietnam

Amending Corporate Documents in Vietnam

Making corporate changes can be a time-consuming process that involves updating your company’s documents.

Emerhub can assist you when you make changes to the ownership or management of your business, its capital, or any other official changes to your business in Vietnam.

We will take care of drafting, collecting, and submitting documents to the relevant authorities and agencies.

Changing the Corporate Structure

Making changes to your corporate structure, like appointing a new director or chairman, involves making changes to your Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC), making changes to your company’s charter, and resolution of members.

Changing Company Information

Updating the following requires making amendments to your company’s ERC and/or Investment Registration Certificate (IRC) and other documents containing the information.

  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Fax number
  • Website
  • Email Address

Emerhub will amend all relevant documents to keep them updated.

Increasing Capital

Increasing your company’s capital after incorporation is possible. Changes to your business’ capital requires making changes to your IRC, ERC, your company’s charter, and list of members, and resolution of members.

Emerhub will assist in preparing and submitting the relevant documents as well as ensuring that your company remains compliant with relevant regulations.

Transferring Ownership

Transferring or changing the ownership of your company is a critical process that requires attention to detail.

You must make changes to your IRC, ERC, and charter. Updating the list of members is also necessary. You must also take care of the resolution of members and the transfer of ownership agreement.

In some cases, changing the company type from single-member LLC to multiple-member LLC (or vice versa) may also be necessary.

Emerhub will prepare, update, and submit all relevant documents to ensure that the process is completed accurately.

Other Changes

We can also facilitate changes to information related to your company’s director/founder/owner/member such as:

  • Director/founder/owner/member’s new passport
  • Change in residential address of the company’s resident director
  • Director/founder/owner/member’s change of nationality

Our services also cover changes to the business name, adding or changing business lines. Generally speaking, we can help in making amendments to any and all relevant documents, where necessary.


The amount of time it takes to process all corporate changes varies. The table below shows the average length of time it takes for Emerhub to complete the process for documents amended.

Documents AmendedTimeline
IRC2 weeks
ERC1 week
Sublicenses1 month